Ful-Biotic helps to:
- Support a healthy immune system
- Limit the population of harmful gut microbes
- Increase digestive enzyme production
- Reduce bloating
- Reduce brain fog
Additional Information
Boost your immune system and increase digestive health with one of the most potent probiotic formulas on the market—Ful Biotic.
Ful Biotic, a probiotic plus Fulvic Acid, comes in totaling over 22 billion colony forming units (CFU) per dose. The specific microbe strains that make Ful Biotic so beneficial were chosen for their effectiveness and compatibility. Each group of probiotics has an excellent track record, providing benefits to the system and supporting colonization. Additionally, the harmony of each microbe group with the other exponentially enhances their effectiveness and strengthens their ability to “take hold.”
You may benefit most from Dr. Nuzum’s Ful Biotic probiotic supplement if you struggle with a weak immune system, have digestion problems, and recently or regularly use prescription antibiotics. Also if you eat high sugar content foods, live with high amounts of stress, eat mostly processed foods (standard American diet), and are/have been exposed to toxins (mold, pesticides, etc.) You cannot achieve optimum health without probiotic microorganisms.
Key Ingredients:
Bacillus Subtilis is a soil-based organism (SBO) that can "seed" the digestive tract with bacteria which will flourish and support a balanced microbiome. It reduces endotoxicity (waste produced by internal organisms), improves immunity against pathogenic microorganisms, and enhances the colonization of other beneficial microbes.
Lactobacillus Acidophilus is the primary family of microbes that should be dominant in the small intestine. This group of bacteria enhances digestion and nutrient absorption. They also produce the antimicrobial compounds acidophilin, acidolin, bacterlocin, and lactodicin, which protect us from invading pathogenic microbes.
Bifidobacterium Bifidum directly competes with candida and yeast overgrowth in the body. It is antiviral, improves digestion, enhances overall bowel health, and fortifies the colon and kidney.
Bifidobacterium Longum produces lactic acid by fermenting sugar which increases the acidity of the digestive tract, which inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. It also reduces inflammation associated with inflammatory bowel conditions, improves digestion and nutrient absorption, improves overall colon health, and fortifies the liver and heart.
Enterococcus Faecium improves nutrient absorption, enhances immunity, improves circulation and digestion, and reduces endotoxicity.
Saccharomyces Cervisiae supports blood sugar regulation, anti-aging, and DNA health.
Take ¼ tsp. mixed in purified water 1 to 2 times a day with or without meals, or as directed by your physician. If pregnant or nursing consult your healthcare professional before use.
A Personal Story from Dr. Nuzum
On one of my trips to Ecuador, my wife, 8-month-old daughter, and my mother all became ill with different issues. My mom had an adverse reaction to something that she ate. My daughter developed abscesses in three locations in her gums where she was cutting her incisor teeth. My wife developed mastitis because the pain in our daughter’s mouth caused her to stop nursing.
I administered one teaspoon of this probiotic blend to each family member and was amazed at the results. All three of them fully recovered within 12 hours! I tell you this personal story not because it is so amazing, but because this occurred while we were in the Amazon rainforest and there were no other modern medical remedies available.FAQ’S
Is this something I should take forever?
- It is best to take Ful Biotic for 4-6 months and then stop for 1 month and start back on it again.
What is the difference between “Good” microbes and “Bad” microbes?
- Typically, bacteria are grouped into two main categories: aerobic and anaerobic.
- 1. Aerobic microbes need oxygen to breathe and are probiotic—they build up the body and are very beneficial. Aerobic bacteria rebuild everything—all the way down to your DNA. These probiotics (literal meaning, good life forms) are loosely defined as live organisms that positively benefit the health of the host—you. These organisms are typically referred to as the “good” microbes.
- 2. Anaerobic microbes do not need oxygen. They are the sugar-eating microbes that are there to break things down, to decompose things. Anaerobic microorganisms break down everything—all the waste your body produces from metabolism. If you eat a contaminated, toxic diet, this creates more damage and even more waste, causing anaerobic microbes to multiply to keep up with the waste. These microbes are often referred to as the “bad” microbes, although they are not really bad, they are merely doing their job. However, a microbiome imbalance where anaerobic microbes are dominant in the gut is terrible. When the gut is out of balance and contains more anaerobic than aerobic microbes, it is called dysbiosis. This is when the immune system is compromised, digestion is inefficient, and many forms of disease have an open door to settle into your body.
Is Ful Biotic suitable for everyone in my family?
- Yes, Ful-biotic is Dr. Nuzum’s personal “family formula” that he has used with his wife and children for years. Ful Biotic is a staple supplement in the Nuzum household and may be the perfect addition to yours as well. Whether you struggle with a weak immune system or have trouble with digestion, Ful Biotic can help you regain and maintain a balanced gut that is critical to your overall health.
Does Ful-biotic need to be refrigerated?
- No, it does not need to be refrigerated.
How many servings are in Ful Biotic?
- Approximately 35 servings.